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Anna Akhmatova.Courage

19.08.2023 COURAGE 
 We know what it is that now lies on the scales, 
What is happening now is quite plain, 
The hour of courage has boomed on our bells, 
And courage deserts not our veins. 

Not frightful for us is the shell's deadly screech, 
Not bitter, though no roof o'erhead,
 And we shall preserve thee, our dear Russian speech, 
And Russia's majestical word.

Unfettered and pure, carried over the grave, 
To our grandsons shall give thee, from bondage shall save

For all time! 

 February 1942
Количество показов :  400
Дата проведения:
  • 19.08.2023

  • Ждём вас по адресу:
  • наб.р. Монастырки д.1, ДПЦ "Духовский", ст.метро Пл. А.Невского

  • Организатор:
  • Творческое объединение "Зажги в себе свечу"

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